
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hi my dear blog !
It's been quite a long time since my last update.
Had you notice something different about my blog?
Yes. I finally did something to it.
All these years. I've changed and changed and changed my blog for millions of times.
I were never satisfied with my blog.
So, after visiting a dozen of blogs, I decided that I might as well simplify my blog.
As you can see, I had deleted the chatbox.
So the only way of communication here is through the comment section below.
It's easier for all of us. And yes. No more spamming which I hate so much.

I might as well summarized my life before the holiday which was the exam period.
As far as you know me, I'm never the study type.
I love reading a lots, but for some unknown reasons, I hate to read anything related to school.
So eventually I did not study for my exam.
I just flipped through a few pages for each subject, and off to bed I go.
And of course, I could not answer most of the papers.
I can only hope that I'd not fail them :(

During the exam period, I and my pals were so crazy line-ing together.
We were busy with our 'secret missions' instead of focusing on studying.
I strongly felt that the conversations we had at that time is worth the time :)
Our friendship kinda strengthen. So nice.
The chit-chats we had were the ones we would never had in a million years if not for line.
Thank you so much for the free service.

Then here comes the holiday, finally, after all those days I had waited so eagerly.
We had planned to play badminton at Arena, but sadly the courts were all fully booked.
So we changed our plan to playing at cat's house.
We spent a great morning there.
It was fun time.
Never in my life had I played ball like that.
It was a really nice experience.
After the games we were all sweating and panting.
And cat's dad treated us nicely with pizzas.
Yum yum. Thanks again cat !

Piano lesson in the evening.
The teacher gave me the good news, that is me and my sis both passed our piano exam.
This is something out of my expectation because I had played the pieces so badly that I was so sure that I was failing.

Selamat Hari Raya to all !
I went to a few malay houses with my mum and aunt.
The food were nice and tasty.
Malay food isn't that bad after all :)

Went to the Spring for a movie with SGM, Darren and Chuan.
First of all, me and G went to SCR Xpress for our lunch there.
We ordered the Salad Fillet Rice thinking that it was a fish dish.
It came out that it was just boneless chicken rice.
We watched the movie ' THE EXPENDABLES 2 ' which turned out to be a great one.
It's full of actions. Really good.
Very exciting.
I would recommend this to those who really love or enjoy actions.
I love that guy starring Barney Ross in the movie.
He's so cool, man !

It's Tuesday.
I slept half the day away. YEAH.
Nothing special.
Looking forward to the small gathering with my girls tomorrow.
BYE :)

My recent facebook profile picture. LOL
My eyes small like Jun Ho.
Smile like everything is fine.
Face round like every food on earth was eaten by me.

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