
Saturday, January 12, 2013



完美並不存在 Perfect itself doesn't exist.

Greetings to Earth. It's the second week of  the new year 2013.
School turns out fine. Just a little busy and rush.
I'm still the same old me, fat and lazy.
It's the new year, and in six month's time I'm turning Seventeen.
I'm looking forward to it. Because it means I'd be legally able to drive ( not that I know how to drive :S )
Anyway, back to school.
Teachers are so far okay, so are the lessons.
At least I managed to finish most homework given, except for Mathematics and Additional Mathematics.
Additional Mathematics is really challenging. I feel so happy and satisfy whenever I solve a question correctly. Cheers hehehe.
As for Moral subject which I usually distaste, I try my best to reduce my aversion toward it, for my own good. I don't really wanna my SPM cert get ruined by Moral.
So yeah, DEFINISI, I will conquer you :P

I also try to control my temper.
Not wanting to lose any friends in this last year of school.
I still feel like a junior HAHAHA :P

I'm going to plan a few hangouts with friends.
It's predictable that after Chinese New Year no one will be able to go out anymore :(
Except for me. HEHEHE.
Thanks goodness I'm still allowed to play computer and go out once in a while.
Why once in a while? Because my mum just hates to drive me out.

I'm currently using the GOOGLE CHINESE INPUT which is kinda good.
It has Traditional Chinese Pinyin Input which other chinese word systems don't have.
So yeah. That's all for now I guess. Might blog more later. BYE

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