
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


TWF - Tuesday Without School

It's Koperasi Day today, but instead of enjoying myself at school, I chose to stay at home.
Koperasi Day might be fun, but I lovee sleeping more.
Undoubtedly I woke up around 10 or so. WOW
After taking my simple lunch ( vege and rice only ) I on my computer ( what else to do )
Mapling for 4 hours. HAHAHA
Facebook is getting more and more boring since most of my close friends are not online.
So I might as well prefer mapling alone. 
duhhhh #foreveralone

There would be a Hari Permuafakatan this Saturday,
which parents have to go to school with their kids to get report cards from their respective form teachers.
Hopefully Eng wouldn't mention to mum that I talk a lot during class :P 

My exam result got worse,
so I guess I have to start doing a bit of study :<

Thursday, June 21, 2012


 Hello! It's already half of June !
Time flies. Before long, it will be exam again :(
My past exam results are really shameful. 
Every subject drops approximately 10 to 20 marks !
 Only my moral showed a little improvement by 3 marks.
Mum is really unsatisfied. So am I.
I dunno how the teachers marked my exam paper until some of the sections I only managed to score half of the full marks.
 But I know I can't blame them.
 I'm lazy and I did not study hard for it, not even study :P
 I deserve it :)
 I could only hope that I can control myself and use some of my leisure time to do a bit of study. Hoping that I won't get these low marks again next time because it's kinda shameful to me LOL
 It's been weeks since school started, and I found out that I don't hate some of the teachers already. Well, except for papaya! She's still... so weird ! Weird as in the meaning of weird !
VERY VERY VERY WEIRD. Talking to her is like a duck talking to a hen. Get what I mean, don;t you?

Looking forward to the coming Hari Koperasi ! :D
( which mean there would be fun and food ! )
And best of all, NO LESSONS ! xD

Friday, June 1, 2012

Piranha 3DD

Hello !
I woke up early five thirty in the morning just to grab a plate of mouth-watering curry rice!
My father and I have been there for many times for breakfast.
And each time we go, we would always eat curry rice which is the specialty of the coffee shop!
It's located at 3rd mile, which is near the market place :) 

Life being so boring today so I decided to blog after failing to play sdo and maple. 

Went to the Spring yesterday as planned.
My sister and I reached first before Ek Ching.
We had a good shopping at Ta Kiong.
I was disappointed because my favourite ASSAM GREEN TEA FLAVORED MILK TEA is out of stock :(
After Ching arrived, we headed to MBO to purchase our tickets.
We were planning to watch THE SHADOWS by Johnny Depp but the showtime was in the evening.
So Rose suggested that we watch PIRANHA 3DD instead.
Twice the terror, cool.

The movie summary :
After the events at Lake Victoria, the pre-historic school of blood-thirsty piranhas make their way into a newly opened waterpark. BIG WET PARK.  local water park where when it comes to fun, nobody does it wetter! Though they came to get wet, get loaded and get some, the staff and patrons get more than they bargained for when they must face the fiercest, most bloodthirsty piranhas yet. Lead by the strong-willed, studious Maddy and her friends, Barry and Kyle, the trio must dive in and take on these man-eating creatures using every ounce of their being…but can they be stopped? 

There's something I was really curious about.
The fish seems to be very attracted to human's private part, males and females.
In the movie, a male's dick got bitten by the fish and he has to cut his dick off. 
And for kids below 18, don't watch !
( I'm not even 18 ! ) 
Okay, kids below 12 then !
Even if they watch, I doubt it if they understand the story.

After the movie, it's tea time !
Grabbed egg tarts at Kimbay which were really crispy!
After that we headed to KFC.
I ordered a large mashpotato which really satisfied my stomach HEHEHE.

Didn't take any photos because *someone* doesn't want /.\


* any nice games? Intro please !