
Thursday, June 21, 2012


 Hello! It's already half of June !
Time flies. Before long, it will be exam again :(
My past exam results are really shameful. 
Every subject drops approximately 10 to 20 marks !
 Only my moral showed a little improvement by 3 marks.
Mum is really unsatisfied. So am I.
I dunno how the teachers marked my exam paper until some of the sections I only managed to score half of the full marks.
 But I know I can't blame them.
 I'm lazy and I did not study hard for it, not even study :P
 I deserve it :)
 I could only hope that I can control myself and use some of my leisure time to do a bit of study. Hoping that I won't get these low marks again next time because it's kinda shameful to me LOL
 It's been weeks since school started, and I found out that I don't hate some of the teachers already. Well, except for papaya! She's still... so weird ! Weird as in the meaning of weird !
VERY VERY VERY WEIRD. Talking to her is like a duck talking to a hen. Get what I mean, don;t you?

Looking forward to the coming Hari Koperasi ! :D
( which mean there would be fun and food ! )
And best of all, NO LESSONS ! xD

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