
Monday, December 31, 2012

Last day of 2012


Actually I didn't plan to blog today, but after visiting a few blogs, I decided I might as well summarize my whole year.
This year, the year I stepped into Form 4, the year I realized luck is no longer usable in examinations.
To pass your Form 4 exams with flying colours, you really have to study hard.
This year means a lots to me.
I've grown, mentally and physically.
I've gained a few pounds, but I've also gained knowledge and lessons.
As the days passed, I learnt more and more about this world.
I learnt about difficulties of my parents.
I learnt about difficulties of others.
I learnt the difficulties of living in this cruel world.
This year has been particularly hard for my father who has to earn money for the family.
So, I pray to Buddha, may you bless my father.
And also bless others who are suffering in this world.

Form Four, I cannot say it's bad just because I got bad grades for my exams throughout the year.
I know I reap what I sow. I did not study hard, so of course I'm rewarded with lousy grades.
I won't blame.
I would like to say thank you to everyone who have or had help and treat me nicely this year, and sorry to those who I have or had scolded,  blamed and so on.
2012 is meaningful to me too, because I've gained a few good friends from class.
They've been entertaining, caring and nice to me.
They've been by my side when I've problems.
They do not look down on me because I failed in my exams. Instead, they teach and help me in my studies.
We gossip together, talk and eat inside the class, and breaking a few school rules together.
Those were memories I cherish.
Thanks thanks thanks.

Another special friend I would like to thank is Ek Ching.
Even though we aint in the same class anymore, but she still remained my best friend.
Even though we didn't have chance to talk everyday like last time, but you are still my best friend that I treasure always.
Thank you for being tolerant with me, and thank you for your treats, and thank you for your mum's tasty food. hahaha.
Millions of thanks.
May our friendship lasts.

A year has ended, and a new year is beginning.
Reading Amelia's blog reminded me of my new year's resolutions.
so here are my new year's resolutions:
- Improve my English
- Gain confidence when having conversation ( I tend to talk like noob when having conversations with strangers, supermarket promoters, etc )
- Try to have conversations in English ( I can never talk properly in English! And whenever I try, people start  throwing the ' don't show off your English okayy ' look. LOL what's wrong with speaking English? )
- Cut down a few pounds
- Try to do some exercises and revisions few times a week

I know I'm not going to fulfill them all, but I decided I might as well give myself a try.

Owh, there's something I would like to share.
I blogged very often and read blogs of others and I find them some blogs are just so laggy that I have to close down google chrome.
So, IF you found my blog laggy, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE inform me so I can improve. Thanks.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012

- 请按下广告、最近穷的很啊 /.\ 感激不尽 -



亲爱的依菁,你几时回来呀。我盼你回来盼到我的颈都长了(好吧!我的颈还是一样的短!) 就罚你耐心地读完我的每一篇文章哈哈




M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Nothing much to say here.
YEAH! I finished watching < ALICE IN WONDER CITY >
It's not that bad. Quite ok actually..

I'm going to share some photos which were taken during my hangouts with my friends, here :)

 My friend for FOUR YEARS -- Jessy BONG

Crazy with Bong

Fitting room -,-



Her new haircut 

LE ME :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012


WOW It's December already.
Tuition started last week ( finally something to do ) and eventually I found out I couldn't answer most of the questions. ( I forgot about most of the things I had learnt this year ) :( 
So, gotta work hard ! :P

Spent my time watching a few movies, and most of them are good.

This is quite a good one, even though it's cartoon.
There's NORTH, SAND MAN ( SANDY ), EASTER BUNNY, TOOTH FAIRY, JACK FROST ( soooo handsome! ), Mr BOOGIE ( the bad guy who is quite pitiful ) and the MOON MAN ( who never talks ). 
From this movie, I learn that we have to BELIEVE in things. Like the kids inside the movie believe in FAIRY TALES. It's how the kid guardians ( North, Sandy, Bunny, Tooth and Jack ) can continue to live, to exist, to protect the children. 

This one is like part horror, part crime. 
It's about a child named Esther, being adopted by a family who had 2 kids.
Then, weird things started to happen. And the mum soon realized Esther wasn't who she seemed to be.
So, mum began to observe and find out more about the adopted child.
It turned out that Esther was actually a 33-year-old woman, who had escaped from a mental hospital. 

This is a part horror and crime movie too.
I'm lazy and afraid to tell the story here, so go and watch for yourself.
Anyway, I feel mao mao de after watching it.
Pretty scary.

And tomorrow, I'm going to watch another movie :D
Seems like I quite like watching movies nowadays.

Holiday's GREAT.
Boring, nothing to do, but still great.
I'm going to miss my sweetie so much as she's going to visit her relatives for almost 3 weeks.
And I still couldn't slim down. So yea, another headache.
Everyone starts to comment that I'm too fat.
So I have to start losing weight because it's very tiring and embarrassing to be commented as FAT.
And I dunno what to answer back so all I do is smile smile smile.
leave me alone please, fats. 
Food is just too good.