
Thursday, March 3, 2011

thursday the third


hi bloggie =)
I'm studying Sejarah right now but I decided to spend sometime blogging :P
dammit ! Sejarah is so hard :(
I din't even study finish one subject..
and the test starts on this Saturday D:
I think I'm going to send my com to repair this week. I can't stand it anymore !!
hey.. I was spending my night time reading Eclipse and once again, without surprise, I fall in love with Edward cullen again :P
I was very crazy about Edward the last time and I think it nearly creep my friends xDD
Edward is just so attractive and gorgeous !
He is fair-skinned, golden eyes, perfect face .. everything !
Jacob isn't bad too ! young, russet-colored skin , strong and warm :)
There is a large contrast between Edward and Jacob, see?
I think I would choose Edward in this case. He is more towards my type of Dream Prince =PP
My advice - falling in love with ur imaginary boy is so much better than reality =D
Everything is perfect and pretty .
Okay. This may be the last time I ONLINE before Gerak Gempur test !
see ya soon !
all the best guys, for the test X))
Lurbbe Edward Cullen the vampire

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